Links from the retired website to the North Bay's theaters.
Some very kind comments from the readers... | ||
So sad to see the closing of your site. Only the BEST movie site ever. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Enjoy your well-earned retirement. See you at the movies!! | Hi – I miss the website! I'm grateful, though, for your providing links to the theaters. | I haven't accessed this page in a while, but I always appreciated your work. Happy retirement! |
Your site was one of my main go-to bookmarks on a weekly basis. Only now have I learned that it was a labor of love by an individual. I see that you have retired. Congratulations! Just a note to say thanks for all the movie listings over the years. | Just read your Chron interview. I'm sure you're having fun these days! |
I just wanted to say THANKS for all of your effort over the years. I started using your site in 2009 or so, and it was so convenient and quite helpful. If the kids and I got a sudden impulse to see a movie, well, BAM, there was your site. No wading through company websites showing all of their affiliated theaters across the entire country, no adds, just the north bay listings. The kids learned how to use the site, and they could figure out the soonest available time and place for any movie out there. There were plenty of times that I would be driving, and the kids would use your site on their cell phone browser, select a movie, and get us going to wherever. It got to be a family outing. And your site gave a community feel to the north bay movies. Napa, or Larkspur, or Sebastopol, or 3rd Street didn't feel so far away. Through movies, they were actually all in one place. I really enjoyed your site.
But, I understand retirement! Thanks kindly for your work. It was a really good run. Best of luck to you in your endeavors. |
I just wanted to say thanks for all the years you created and maintained this site. It was always my go to for the last 25 years to find out what's playing where. I will miss it. Happy retirement! | This web site was my go to when I wanted to check movies schedule. I am going to miss it :). It was simple, well done, easy to navigate and free of advertising!
Thank you and enjoy the next stage of your life. |
just saw that the NorthBayMovies site is retiring and I just want to thank you for all your work. It was the best movie finding site ever. Nice and simple with all the info. and none of the ads and redirection etc. I appreciate your time and ...I'm already missing the simplicity of the design. Bye! |
I guess things really don't last forever but boy the stark realization of how much I used the Sonoma Movie site without thinking much that there was a person behind it making it all work was quite jarring for me. It was a very easy way to look in one place all the movie that were showing and what the rating was (important when finding appropriate movies for young ones). Now I have to look up every theater's webpage to find out—really quite a bummer. I guess the last time I went out to the movies was MLK weekend which was right before you retired the page so I am learning this just now. Thanks for all your work all those years. Hope someone picks up the mantle…here's hoping anyhow. | Just saw that you have retired. Great for you, Bert! I just wanted to personally thank you for all of your efforts in creating and maintaining the North Bay Movie website for years. I can't tell you how many times I relied on your page for correct movie information. Your resource will be missed. Big time! Happy trails to you and God Bless. | I had no idea you did this. Thank you so much! I have been using this for so long I can't even remember when I started. What a wonderful gift you have given all of us. Enjoy your time and again Thank You. |
I never realized that you built and maintained the website without regard for monetary profit all the years I used it. So, much belated thanks from another movie fan, | Hi, I didn't know how this website came about but I certainly went to it first and foremost for movie times in Marin . Thank you so much ! It was awesome and it will be missed . Happy retirement ! | This site has been the anchor tab, never relinquishing its place for over ten years. I will miss it! Thank you for providing the perfect site for making fun plans to go to the movies, some if my best times with my wife and kids started with your go to site. I am retiring this year from working building tiny home so I can relate and I wish you all the best in your next showing! |
You won't remember me, because I'm probably only one of many who have emailed you over the years and offered to donate money for the great service you provided. Just got back on the site after we got off work at the Santa Rosa VA clinic and saw the difference in the site, and then the link to the news!
Congratulations on your retirement. I'm very happy for you and your wife and that things go really great for you. I'm not sure who is going to run the site, but I hope it doesn't get to commercialized and bling doubt and fancy… You know how that goes! All the very best to you and your wife, and thank you for many many years. Have a great service. |
Gonna miss you you made it so simple | Your website was wonderful. I miss it. Hope you truly enjoy your retirement! |
I am so grateful for all you have done to create a simple and effective way to find movie schedules. It greatly helped me run a movie meetup group for many years. Enjoy your retirement! |
Hello– We had no idea you were just one guy doing this on your own for the love of connecting North Bay folks to film. We've used and appreciated your site for as long as we can remember. In fact it's the only site we ever consulted when picking movies.
Just wanted to say thanks a million trillion for your years of dedication to our collective film enjoyment. Miss you already! Enjoy your retirement. !!! |
Thank you ever so much for this web site over the years. It has been all I ever used to look for movies playing locally for so long I'd forgotten when there was any other way to look for movies playing in the North Bay. Your site has always been so simple and professional. It should be the model everywhere.
Sigh. It is sad to see it go, but all things must change. I'll have to find another solution. . . . Thanks and best of luck to you. |
Congrats on your retirement, Bert. Until today, my wife and I had no idea that you had been providing this information on your own for all these years. Your site was always our go to. Thank you very much. |
I have enjoyed your website shamelessly for years. Thank you for this WONDERFUL public service and your extraordinary love of movies!
All best wishes for a splendid retirement! |
Gosh, I just ventured back to northbaymovies to check showtimes for The Fabelmans (after more than three years, I am slowly inching towards the idea of going to the movies again) and discovered the news of your retirement! Thank you so much for running the site for so many years. It was a wonderful resource!
(BTW, I grew up near Chicago, too! I have wonderful memories of watching the original Star Wars on the big screen at the Edens II in Northbrook—and, six years later, waiting in line there for 8½ hours to get into the very first showing of Return of the Jedi.) Wishing you all the best! |